Like this blog, here is another blog that has to do with blogs themselves:
Until now, I had never heard of a "blook". Hmmm...I must still be back in the stone ages, now known as the 20th century.
He describes this site, titles as "Self-Published Blooks", as:
"Blogs are like water, books are like stones, two are different media forms for our creativities. This is my project to document how to turn our blogs into books, or 'blooks' "
Apparently, this is a site that is still in development, as the author keeps providing information, for those who want to publish the stuff they put on blogs.
Having been reviewing these things over the past month, I can say that most blogs should not be published as books, because much of what is in the blogosphere is garbage. Anything with less than a "B" grade should not be published. Most blogs involve either a. Personal Observations that have little interest to 99.9% of the population; b. Uninformed and uneducated opinions about politics, sports, etc., c. Somebody who is too cheap to pay the $150 to "Go Daddy" to get a real website so they have to advertize their stuff on Blogger instead, d. pictures about ones boring, ordinary life (which should not be published until you are maybe 85 years old), e. juvenile postings, or f. other reasons I cannot think about right now.
Nevertheless, there are some blogs that are focused on a single topic that interests it's own niche. I note that in today's post, there are seven types of blogs, according to Nora Paul of the Institute for New Media Studies, but she ignores the rare blogs that are not focused on a community, but are topically focused, that do not fit in one of the seven categories.
This site is not for everyone. It is, however, for those who engage in blogging. Despite the fact that there is a publishing overload, this is a useful resource to get those bloggers to reach a greater audience with their blogs are. There is a clear need out there for this blog.
Grade: A
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