Eric's Blog Reviews

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Opposing the last one - a Catholic Blog

While I presented a blog yesterday that bordered on bigotry, today I will present the other side. A Catholic blog. And no, I'm not Catholic.

The blog is:

From my brief review of the blog, this author addresses things from a Catholic perspective. He talks a lot about Catholicism, too. And he tries to follow the tenants of the Catholic faith.

Unlike the previous blog, he does believe in some ecunumical alliances - with other orthodox Christian denominations - those that follow the Bible. And some orthodox Jews, too.

One group he does not like is gays. But that is understandable - since that Bible condemns the activity. For those who argue that you should follow your heart but can be devout, one argument comes back - we are urged to avoid temptation! That is his only sign of any bigotry shown on the blog - otherwise, he shows a tolerance that Christianity dictates.

However, I only skimmed the surface. There is no way I am going to read almost five years of long-winded posts. He does like to write. And much of it is pretty boring. From what I can tell, he is presenting arguments that have been presented before.

However, here is a good springboard for those who want to understand Catholicism more.

Grade: B-