Eric's Blog Reviews

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Zombie Time!

Character is what you do when no one is looking
JC Watts

One of my obsessions is regarding politics. This is a lot of other peoples' obsessions today, too. However, many people get blogs, and put in a lot of dribble. A lot of parroting and no original thought. Most political blogs are boring - even those that agree with your point-of-view (left, right, or center).

Not so for Zombietime. This is a person who lives in the Bay Area and goes to political events. Like protests. And given it is the Bay Area, which is largely left-of-center, people can act uninhibited - because no one will report on them. Until now.

It appears from his blog that he merely goes to events and takes pictures. And, hoo boy, what interesting pictures he gets. Like the one showing a t-shirt that W Bush is responsible for JFK's death. Or the one that shows the scrotum inflation. Or the "breasts not bombs" and "dicks not death" protests at UC Berkley (hint - this is not a project carried out the the fraternity brothers or the sorority girls there!). Or the women singing joyously about their genitalia at an execution.

This is a website that is either loved or hated. Loved by right-ringers and hardcore leftists - for different reasons. The right-ringers love this because it shows the left at it's most-er-naked. The hardcore left would love it because, well, they are the stars of this, by-and-large.

I caution you, this is not a family-friendly site! Hence, more sedate religious conservatives would find it repulsive. As well as progressives who have some common sense - knowing that this is very effective propaganda against their viewpoint.

Of course, there are photos which are not shown, which may present a somewhat different picture of what goes on. However, one cannot disprove some of the photos - like that of scrotum inflating.

And, Zombie's sarcasm adds to the propaganda value of it, too.

More and more people are turning to blogs for news that is not presented by other media outlets. Zombietime presents the Bay Area, as well as the very extreme left, in a way that actually exceeds the limits of the imagination. And, it is not full of boring political drivel, like so many other political sites.

Here is the site, by the way:

Grade: A